4th TYA and Puppet Theatre Showcase 2021

We invite you to join us in Osijek and Zagreb and magnify the event with your presence from 24th to 29th of May.

As our honoured guest, You will be invited to participate in the showcase, as well as in tête-à-tête meetings and agreements with Croatian artists, theatre managers and producers. Theatre epicentre will be providing expenses for accommodation, internal transportation and meals for the period of their stay. Along with that, a free access to all performances and activities will be provided.

Your arrival is expected on the 24th of May by 3 pm and your departure will be on the 30th of May, after breakfast hours.

We are expecting your response by 1st of April 2021, via email at info.theatreepicentre@gmail.com

The organisers would be honored to welcome you to Croatia.

Kind Regards,

Miran Hajoš, Theatre Epicentre President

The plays and all the information about the plays will be available with English translations. List of performances selected for this year’s Showcase:

Mala Scena / „Sunce djever i Neva Nevičica ,

Zorin-Dom / „ON THE TRAIL“ ,

Tigar Teatar / „I have a doll in the closet“,

Kazalište Trešnja / „Hansel and Gretel“ ,

Dječje kazalište Branka Mihaljevića / „Pliva patka preko Drave“ ,

UO LOFT / “The Laboratory of Life”,

VRUM / “Patka, Smrt i Tulipan” / “THE MILKY WAY”, / “LOVER’S DISCO(URSE)”,

Teatar Fort Forno / “In the Penal Colony”,

Kazališna družina Pinkleci / „Plavo sunce na žutom nebu“ ,


Kazalište Virovitica / „Ancient Underground“,

GKL Rijeka / „Flekavac“,

ZKM / „US and THEM“,

Teatar Tirena / „Drugačiji“,

Ukratko o epicentru
Kazališni epicentar je nevladina, nepolitička i neprofitna organizacija koja okuplja hrvatske strukovne udruge posvećene kazalištu za djecu i mlade.
Obratite nam se

Kazališni epicentar

Preradovićeva 44, Zagreb
+385 98 343 700
+385 98 816 883
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